Catchment area
If you wish to register as a patient and you live within the practice boundary, it is really simple and quick to register with us online.
The practice has a defined boundary and covers Radford, Hyson Green, Forest Fields, please see map below for details.
For help with registering with a practice please see the NHS website.
Registering with the surgery
To register with the surgery:
- fill out an online registration form
- if you are unable to use the online form, you can print off this form from the NHS Website and return to the practice – Register With a GP Surgery – Paper Form
You will be offered an appointment to see the Healthcare Assistant for a new patient check. This is to give the GP some basic information about you and your health and is essential if you need to see a GP before we receive your notes from your previous practice.
We do require that all new patients aged 5 and under have an appointment with the practice nurse. If you have a medical card please bring it with you, and if possible also bring some proof of identification (this will aid the registration process).